Belleville Shoelace Maker

Norfolk Terrier Rüde mit ZZL

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Züchter: Belleville
  Cathy Thompson-Morgan
  -- Great Britain --

Ch. Penmire Wild Bramble By Brickin 

Brickin Magic Gesture 

Allright Aladin 

Brickin Bossy Britches 

Penmire Magnolia Blossom 

Tchachill Boltaway At Brickin 

Penmire Spirit Of Christmas 

Belleville Lace Petticoat 

Crufts Sieger
Ch. Belleville Smart Alec 

Ch. Brickin Get Smart 

Belleville Born To Dance 

Belleville Petticoat Lane 

Belleville Magic Flute 

Belleville Penny Lane 


Nachkommen von Belleville Shoelace Maker

Sohn Tochter
Belleville Free Roll